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スレッド1446: I wanted to thank you  レスする ←この発言に返信
日時: 2020/01/28 11:38
名前: lightroombaw ID:gGaxO4pI メールを送信する

"" - Adobe Lightroom is the most ordinary graven image editing software in compensation photographers, with hundreds of thousands of effects and presets available on the internet.

You can download Lightroom from Adobe’s website.

"" - Adobe Lightroom presets supporter you to crop your photos in relate days by doing a part of the piece suitable you. You can plainly try old-fashioned a pre-defined effect, while keeping your initial impression and reverting break to it at anytime.

You can use:
Lightroom Presets for Wedding Photography
Lightroom Presets for Baby and Family Photography
Lightroom Presets for Headshots
Lightroom Presets for Senior Portraits
Lightroom Presets for Landscape
Lightroom Presets for Nature Photography
Lightroom Presets for Food Photography
Lightroom Presets for Car Photography
Lightroom Presets for Real Estate
Lightroom Presets for Product and Fashion Photography

And a "" - Dreamy Lightroom Desktop and Mobile Presets
for everyday shooting.

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  • 72時間以内の記事は new! を表示
  •     スレッド1446:I wanted to thank you] lightroombaw  2020/01/28 11:38   閲覧数: 2006

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